Hiya all
So, this month is a very special month. It’s international woman’s day where I think women are just empowered by the world. The world just needs us more and more. Not only this, it’s also my birthday what a day to be born on!
As I reflect on the years and this day on women, I always think about my amazing mother.
The journey she has taken, to be where she is today. My mum and dad came to the UK from Vietnam escaping the war over 40 years ago.
My mum was only 19 years old, she left her family including her mum, dad and 13 other siblings.
Escaping Vietnam for them was so petrifying and going into the world unknown. My parents were forced to leave the country due to the war.
Their journey began on a boat to Hong Kong where they met other Vietnamese victims fleeing. The only communication they had to reunite with their families were a board with everyone’s names to try and locate other friends and family. My mum was pregnant with my oldest brother at the time and was born in Hong Kong with an illness.
They couldn’t stay in Hong Kong for long, so the decision was then made to immigrate to the UK to try and cure my brother.
They made another journey on a boat full of other Vietnamese refugees to go to the UK. After weeks on the boat of food rationing and cramp surroundings, they landed in the UK.
My other brothers and myself was then born. My mum had a very hard time finding jobs and supporting the family. With no English at all she was forced to learn to read and write the language and became a translator for the other Vietnamese community. She helped them get documents and went to interviews with others to help them start their lives over in the UK.
She accomplished this as well as having a home job as a seamstress making clothes at home for factories.
It’s been an incredible journey for her and once we had enough money, she took me back to Vietnam to meet her family for the first time. I was 9 years old. She hadn’t seen them for over 20 years. Unfortunately, her parents passed away, but her brothers and sisters were all still healthy.
It was a heartwarming feeling to see my mum reunited again with her family.
I cherish this moment and it will stay with me forever, she’s an incredible strong woman in my life and so inspiring for me to just keep powering through life when it hits me down.
For me, this day is an opportunity to celebrate the community and support that we can give each other as women.
Everyday it’s exciting for me to see the growth of my team (who are predominately women) where they help one another and give each other energy and support on a daily basis.
I’m always surprised when students and clients approach me at the salon/email saying they follow and admire my work. I remember at 16 I wrote on my NRA portfolio (you know what I mean if you ever had one) I wanted to be in the beauty industry, fast forward I set up my business when I was 23 years old, so I hope I inspire people to follow their dreams. I believe you can achieve anything with hard work and determination. It’s a formula that is proven by so many women in the world and my mum is one of them.
One way to celebrate International Women’s Day is by embracing who you are, treating the woman in your life or honour a woman who has inspired you is to invest in some self-care and pampering with us at Divine. Show them you care and love them in all different ways.
So Happy Woman’s Day, Happy Mothers Day and Happy Birthday to me! ❤
I hope you all have a beautiful moment and reflect on what is important in your life.
Click here or give us a call on 01604 721732 for Abington salon or 01604 471731 for Upton salon to get booked in for your treatments with us!
Take care!
Mai x